Bariatric Surgery

Supplements before and after bariatric surgery

After bariatric surgery, the digestive system no longer works as usual. It is not uncommon for a deficiency in the supply of nutrients. Now, it is essential to counteract this deficiency! AdPro104 for supplementation in case of increased protein requirements and when insufficient protein is supplied via conventional foods. AroMaxx introduces tasteful variety into the protein shake. AdVit provides all important vitamins, minerals and trace elements. FibreMaxx can easily enhance drinks and meals with soluble dietary fibre.

XPhe enjoy GMP


for sufficient protein

XPhe enjoy GMP


so that it tastes good

XPhe enjoy GMP


important micronutrients

XPhe enjoy GMP


soluble fiber


Obesity Surgery Brochure (In German language.)

When nutrients are lacking - before and after bariatric surgery (PDF Download).