SineLys K


nutritionally complete formula (from 3 years)

SilneaIBD is a powdered formula for the dietary management of Crohn's disease. Suitable from 3 years of age. SilneaIBD can be used both as exclusive nutrition with the aim of inducing remission and as supplementary nutrition with the aim of maintaining remission. It is an easily soluble nutrient concentrate and has a very pleasant taste.

Food for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP) for use in the dietary management of Crohn's Disease (IBD). Prescribed in Germany under the 30.12.2022 Arzneimittel-Richtlinie.

Would you like a PDF of our product information? Click on the following link: DOWNLOAD ↓

  • with biologically high-valued whey protein and casein
  • with prebiotically active dietary fibre (resistant starch)
  • with micronutrients – specially adapted to the needs of Crohn's Disease (IBD)
  • gluten-free, fructose-free, lactose-free
  • free from soy and egg
  • easily soluble in water for preparation as a drinkable food – warm or cold
  • very pleasant taste
  • packed in a tin
A diet plan, calculated by the responsible physician or nutritionist, should consider the individual nutrient requirements, and so establish the daily amount of SilneaIBD. Ideally, the daily dosage is spread over several meals. SilneaIBD can be administered orally or by tube.
Must only be used under medical supervision. Suitable for exclusive or partial enteral nutrition. For enteral use only. SilneaIBD contains readily available carbohydrates. Use only under careful metabolic control in cases of glucose tolerance disorders. SilneaIBD should not be used if enteral nutrition is contraindicated or if there is intolerance or allergy to only one of the ingredients. Only for people from 3 years of age with Crohn's Disease (IBD).



Delivery Unit



tin à 700 g 1 x 700 g 19210088 5821173
6 x 700 g 19210102 5821196

Especially for Austrian clinics and gastroenterologists

To obtain cost coverage from the Austrian health insurance company, please download the authorization form (PDF), fill it out, stamp it and send it to the health insurance company: DOWNLOAD↓.

Note on redeeming the SilneaIBD prescription

We would like to point out a special feature here

Occasionally there are misunderstandings when filling a SilneaIBD prescription. In the pharmacy, it can happen that SilneaIBD is displayed as "not available" after entering the pharmaceutical central number because it is not available from wholesalers. Pharmacists often overlook the option to order directly in the system. The pharmacy can simply order SilneaIBD directly from us. Everything you need to know is listed here on this page.

Thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation,
Your metaX team

PS: You can DOWNLOAD↓ the map here.

Information for the pharmacy

SilneaIBD is not available from many pharmaceutical wholesalers.
Please use this contact information to order directly from us, the manufacturer.

Information for pharmacies - PZNs for SilneaIBD

Customer service/order hotline
008000 9963829

(freecall from A, D, NL)

or +49 (0) 84 32 94 86 0

Customer service/order hotline
008000 9963829

(freecall from A, D, NL)

or +49 (0) 84 32 94 86 0


Taste variety with AroMaxx

Add a burst of flavour to Silnea IBD with AroMaxx. AroMaxx comes in many different flavours, including sweet, nutty, fruity and spicy. The fruity and nutty aromas are suitable from 3 years of age onwards, and the tomato-basil flavours is suitable for those as young as 1 year old.