nephea, nepheaHD, nepheaAS 12

Drinking and tube feeding in renal insufficiency

nephea, nepheaHD and nepheaAS 12 are fully balanced sip and tube feeds for infants and children for use in the dietary management of preterminal renal insufficiency and other forms of chronic renal insufficiency (CNI). Compared to nephea, nepheaHD has a higher content of potassium and phosphorus. nephea and nepheaHD can also be combined individually - according to the CNI stage. nepheaAS 12 Infant is especially suitable for infants/children with CNI and simultaneous cow's milk, hen's egg or wheat protein allergy.

XPhe enjoy GMP

nephea infant

Infants, from birth onwards
low content of potassium and phosphorus

XPhe enjoy GMP

nepheaHD Infant

Infants, from birth onwards
defined content of potassium and phosphorus

XPhe enjoy GMP

nepheaAS 12 Infant

Infants, from birth onwards
with cow's milk protein allergy (KMA)

XPhe enjoy GMP

nephea Kid

Children from 1 year
low content of potassium and phosphorus

XPhe enjoy GMP

nepheaHD Kid

Children from 1 year
defined content of potassium and phosphorus


Overview of sip and tube feed nutrition in pediatric nephrology.

nephea, nepheaHD and nepheaAS 12 at a glance.